
As I shared with you on this site, I enjoy the use of language, particularly the written word.  With that in mind, this is where I provide access to the novels, in different genres, and photography books that I’ve published.  I hope you enjoy reading my novels as much as I liked writing them.

My photography books are unique from most others I’m familiar with because they contain my thoughts regarding the photos in the book.  I try to put the pictures into a larger context rather than present just an image with no background.  Much like looking at someone else’s vacation photos, without context they don’t mean nearly as much to the onlooker as they do to the person present at the events captured in digital media or on film.

Here’s the link to Lulu.

Here’s the link to my Amazon Author’s Page.  

Barnes and Noble carries my books.

My books can be seen at the Apple Store.

Contact me to share your thoughts and comments.  To receive email updates, click here.