Film Photos Update

On June 27, 2016, I asked for your thoughts on companies that could transfer old film-based photos onto current digital media.  As usual, you responded with a number of suggestions and some very creative ideas.  Thanks to each of you who took the time to share your thoughts with me.

I would be remiss if I didn’t pay a special tip of the lens cap to Marshall, Devon, Crystal, Tiffany, Bob, Janice, Helen, and Roger.  Thanks to each of you for your insightful comments!

One of the key pieces of information you shared with me was to go through my old pictures and determine which ones I really wanted to transfer and which ones I could live without.  The ones that weren’t properly exposed or were out of focus were easy decisions.  Others were a little more challenging, but I think I made the right calls.

I’m happy to report that I received my first batch of CDs and they look wonderful.  When the next batch of transferred photos arrive, I’m sure they’ll be just as nice.

Once again, thanks to each of you who responded to my request for information and for the insightful comments and helpful techniques you offered.  Thank you!

If you’d like to leave a comment, share your opinion, or get something off your chest, please contact me.

As always, thanks for your continued support!